Wednesday, 17 October 2018

MYSQLI OOP CRUD Implementation

The following steps will walk us through in creating a system with simple CRU (Create, Read and Update) implementation in PHP Class. This Klase Notes (Class Notes) was made possible in collaboration with Professor Jessie Richie Naval de los Santos handling IT Elective PHP Class. The source codes was documented and edited to serve as Notes for students to remember in writing up PHP system with MYSQLI OOP implementation.

The following codes was programmed using XAMPP version 5.6.37.

Step 1. Create Database Class
Filename: class.db.php
Function: This class will establish the database connection in the system that will be created.  
class DBconn{
     public $dbconn;
     public function __construct(){
           $server = 'localhost';
           $user ='root';
           $pass = '';
           $dbname = 'exam';
           $this->dbconn = mysqli_connect($server,$user,$pass,$dbname);
           if (mysqli_connect_errno()){
                 echo 'Error: Could not connect to database.';
                 //echo 'Connected';
$test = new dbconn();

By default all function in class are automatically assigned as public. Variable $dbconn will be used as the database connection variable in every class that will be called.

Step 2. Create Class for Database Functions
Filename: class.dbfunctions.php
Function: This class will extend the class DBconn and allow the user to store, retrieve and update data from database.
This will inherit the functionality in class DBconn including the database connection.

include 'class.db.php';
class DBfunctions extends DBconn
      public function testing(){
            echo "testing";
$dbopt = new DBfunctions();
$test = $dbopt->testing();
The public function testing() will test the database connection commands written in class.db.php
The code $dbopt = new DBfunctions(); will create an object of a new instance of the class DBfunctions. 
The code $test = $dbopt->testing(); will store the returned value from the method is called testing in class DBfunctions.
The print_r($test); command will display the value of the variable $test.

Now we are all set with our class dbfunctions and class dbconn connections. We are now ready for the UI page.

Step 3. Create an index page for the CRUD
Filename: index.php
Function: This page will serve as the dashboard of the system. This was intentionally created without using bootstrap or UI design to focus on the concept of learning PHP script.
Please create an index.php file from your editor and copy the following commands into your index.

include 'class.functions.php';
$db = new DBfunctions();
echo $db->testing();
<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>SQLI OOP::Demo System</title>
      <!--Save Data Form-->
      <form action='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>' method='post'>
            <table border="1" align="center" cellpadding="0">
            <th colspan="2">Userlevel Maintenance</th>
                  <td><input type="text" name="ul_name" placeholder="User level here" required></td>
                  <td><input type="text" name="ul_desc" placeholder="Description here" required></td>
                  <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></td>
The first three lines of PHP at the top established the connection of the different class from class DBconn and class DBfunctions.
$db = new DBfunctions(); creates a new instance of the class DBfunctions
include 'class.functions.php'; this will make the class.functions.php become part of the actual index.php codes
echo $db->testing(); This will print the data in the function testing( ) under class.functions.php
The rest of the HTML codes, establish the web form elements that will be used in the different database operation. Web form elements should be named properly.

<form action='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>' method='post'>
The code tell us the submitted data will be processed by itself using method post. The post method is recommended to use when submitting data using web forms.

Step 4. Treat the submitted data in index.php
To capture the submitted data using Web Forms, you need to insert the following PHP codes after the <body> tag in index.php.
      if (empty($_POST)===FALSE){
            $ul_name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ul_name']);
            $ul_desc = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ul_desc']);
            if (empty($ul_name) || (empty($ul_desc))){
                  $errors[] = "Please fill in required data to process.";
                  //save data commands
                  $save = $db->save_userlevel($ul_name,$ul_desc);
                  if ($save==TRUE){
                        $success[]="Data successfully saved to database";
                        $errors[] = 'Unable to process data.';
We use mysql_real_escape_string functions to treat future mysql injection issues.
The code $save = $db->save_userlevel($ul_name,$ul_desc); will call the class save_userlevel in class.dbfunctions.php with arguments user level name and user level description. 

Do not refresh yet your page as this will prompt an error since we have not created yet the function save_userlevel under class.dbfunctions.php document.

Step 5. Create a function that will process the data to database

Insert the following codes in the class.dbfunctions.php after function testing() to process the submitted data to database.
public function save_userlevel($name,$desc){
if($result = $this->dbconn->query("SELECT ulevel_name FROM tbl_userlevel WHERE ulevel_name ='$name'")){
      $row_cnt = $result->num_rows;
            $sql = mysqli_query($this->dbconn, "INSERT INTO tbl_userlevel (ulevel_name, ulevel_desc) VALUES ('$name','$desc')") or die (mysqli_connect_error());
                  return $sql;
                  return FALSE;
To notify user for the status of database operation, add the code after the <table> tag.
            <td colspan="2">
                  <?php if (!empty($errors)): ?>
                  <strong>Oops!</strong><?php echo implode('', $errors); ?>
                  <?php endif; ?>
                  <?php if (!empty($success)): ?><strong>Good!</strong><?php echo implode('', $success); ?><?php endif; ?>

This will prompt the user on the execution of the save_userlevel method of the previous 
method being called in class.dbfunctions.php

Step 6. Display data from database in index.php
Insert the following codes after the </form> tag in index.php or below the data entry form.
<!--display data from database-->
<table align="center">
      $query_userlevel="SELECT * FROM tbl_userlevel";
      $resource_userlevel=mysqli_query($db->dbconn, $query_userlevel);
      Print "<th>ID</th>";
      Print "<th>Userlevel Name</th>";
      Print "<th>Description</th>";
      Print "<th>Action</th>";           
                  Print "<tr>";                                        
                  $ulevel_id = $result_userlevel['ulevel_id'];
                  Print "<td>". $result_userlevel['ulevel_id']. "</td>";
                  Print "<td>". $result_userlevel['ulevel_name']. "</td>";
                  Print "<td>". $result_userlevel['ulevel_desc']. "</td>";
                  Print "<td>"."<a href ='index.php?edit=$ulevel_id'>"."Edit"."</a>"."</td>";
                  Print "</tr>";
$resource_userlevel=mysqli_query($db->dbconn, $query_userlevel); This command will store the data from the submitted SQL query in the variable $resource_userlevel.

while($result_userlevel=$resource_userlevel->fetch_assoc()) This code will pass the associative array to variable $result_userlevel that will be display in a table format.

The table will allow the user to easily edit the record by clicking on Edit link.

Step 7. Create an “Edit Controls and Web Form Elements”
Rewrite the codes in between the body tag from Step 3 into this. 
Do not include the script on submitted $_POST() scripts. eg.if (empty($_POST)===FALSE)

      if (isset($_REQUEST['edit'])){
            $ul_id = $_REQUEST['edit'];
            $edit = $db->display_selected_userlevel($ul_id);
      <!--Edit Data Form-->
      <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?edit=<?php echo $_GET['edit']; ?>" method="post">
            <table align="center">
                  <td colspan="2">
                        <?php if (!empty($errors)): ?>
                        <strong>Oops!</strong><?php echo implode('', $errors); ?>
                        <?php endif; ?>
                  <td colspan="2">
                        <?php if (!empty($success)): ?>
                        <strong>Good!</strong><?php echo implode('', $success); ?>
                        <?php endif; ?>
                        <td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="ulevel_name" value="<?php echo $edit['ulevel_name'];?>"></td>
                  <td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="ulevel_desc" value="<?php echo $edit['ulevel_desc'];?>"></td>
                  <td><input type="submit" name="edit_data" value="Update Data"></td>
                  <td><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">Return to List</a></td>
      <!--Save Data Form-->  
<form action="index.php" method="post">
      <table align="center">
                  <td colspan="2"><?php
                                    echo "<strong>Oops!</strong>";
                                    echo implode('', $errors);
                              if (!empty($success)){
echo "<strong>Good!</strong>";
echo implode('', $success);
                  <td><input type="text" name="ulevel_name" placeholder="Username here"></td>
                  <td><input type="text" name="ulevel_desc" placeholder="Description here"></td>
                  <td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></td>

Add the following codes to class.functions.php to capture the data from database for the Edit Web Form Elements.
public function display_selected_userlevel($ul_id){
      $sql=mysqli_query($this->dbconn,"SELECT * FROM tbl_userlevel WHERE ulevel_id='$ul_id'");
      //$row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql,MYSQLI_ASSOC);
      $row = $sql->fetch_assoc();
      return $row;

Discussion: The code has changed to cater the edit functionality.
if (isset($_REQUEST['edit'])){ This was set to be the default condition to check if the page is in editing or on data entry operation. The web form element for saving data was placed under else statement since the page will load first with no interaction from the user.

//$row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql,MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$row = $sql->fetch_assoc();
The above-mentioned codes perform the same operation of retrieving data from database, it only differ on the use of format from OOP and procedural.

Step 8. Updating data from Database
Rewrite the codes from the submitted $_POST scripts in index.php from Step 4 into the following codes below.
            $ulevel_name = trim($_POST['ulevel_name']);
            $ulevel_desc = trim($_POST['ulevel_desc']);
            if(empty($ulevel_name) || empty($ulevel_desc)){
                  $errors[]="Please fill in required data to process";
                  if (isset($_GET['edit'])){
                  $edit = $db->edit_userlevel($_GET['edit'],$ulevel_name,$ulevel_desc);     
                        if ($edit==TRUE){
                              $success[]="Successfully update data in database.";
                              $errors[]="Unable to update data in database.";
                        $save = $db->insert_userlevel($ulevel_name,$ulevel_desc);       
                              $success[]='Successfully added to database.';//print_r($success);    
                              $errors[]='Unable to process database.';                                            }
Add the following codes to class.functions.php to update the data in the database from Edit Web Form elements that was submitted by the user.

public function edit_userlevel($ul_id,$ul_name,$ul_desc){
      $sql=mysqli_query($this->dbconn,"UPDATE tbl_userlevel SET ulevel_name='$ul_name', ulevel_desc='$ul_desc' WHERE ulevel_id='$ul_id'") or die (mysqli_connect_error());
      if ($sql){
            return $sql;
            return FALSE;
Discussion: This will now process the data either from Edit Data or Save Data in the system.

This simple system was created for academic purposes of students taking up IT Elective PHP Class. This is a modified version from MYSQL to MYSQLI CRUD Implementation.

Students: Please leave a comment if you consider this article has been helpful to you. Thank you.


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