October 17, 2018 -
MYSQLI CRUD Series,OOP CRUD,PHP,Programming Notes
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Handling Data in Web Forms Init: MYSQLI CRUD OOP Series
Step 4. Treat the submitted data in index.php
To capture the submitted data using Web Forms, you need to insert the following PHP codes after the <body> tag in index.php.
if (empty($_POST)===FALSE){
$ul_name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ul_name']);
$ul_desc = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ul_desc']);
if (empty($ul_name) || (empty($ul_desc))){
$errors[] = "Please fill in required data to process.";
//save data commands
$save = $db->save_userlevel($ul_name,$ul_desc);
if ($save==TRUE){
$success[]="Data successfully saved to database";
$errors[] = 'Unable to process data.';
We use mysql_real_escape_string functions to treat future mysql injection issues.
The code $save = $db->save_userlevel($ul_name,$ul_desc); will call the class save_userlevel with arguments user level name and user level description.
This will prompt an error since we have not created yet the function under class.dbfunctions.php
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